Back to School Icon Set
in Icons

Discover 50 Back to School Icons in Striking Outline and Engaging Glyph Styles, Perfectly Crafted and Ready to Elevate Any Project. From the nostalgic charm of books and pencils to the dynamic symbols of knowledge and growth, these meticulously designed icons capture the spirit of returning to the classroom.
Whether you're a designer, educator, or content creator, infuse your creations with the vibrancy of education and the promise of a new academic journey.
- Total Icons: 50 icons
- 48 x 48 px grid size
- 2px line stroke
- All shapes are vector based
- Smooth and rounded corners
- Easy to change colors
Regular license
Allows you to use the product for commercial projects such as customer orders, physical or digital advertising, physical items not for sale.
Allows you to use the product for commercial projects such as customer orders, physical or digital advertising, physical items not for sale.