Zoo Email Signature

Elevate your business with Our Email Signature Template!
Create stunning designs and graphics effortlessly with our creative, unique and modern email signature template. Access the power of EPS, Adobe Illustrator plus Figma files, enjoy easy editing with customizable features.
Main Features:
- EPS files Include
- Adobe Illustrator files (AI)
- Figma file
- 72 dpi Resolution
- 350x400 px and 600x300 px Size
- Include pdf basic help
- Organized and editable layers
- Organized and editable Vector
- All Text Are Editable
- Font Link Are Included On Documentation
- RGB Color Mode
Regular license
Allows you to use the product for commercial projects such as customer orders, physical or digital advertising, physical items not for sale.
Allows you to use the product for commercial projects such as customer orders, physical or digital advertising, physical items not for sale.